200,871 spams since June 06

Installed Askimet in June 06 and from then til now it has stopped over 200k spams. God bless WordPress.com 🙂

Update: Nothing compared to Techcrunch though. 15,000 spams a day!

2 Responses to “200,871 spams since June 06”

  1. Damien B says:

    It’s been a lifesaver on my blog to, was on the verge of turning off comments altogether until I upgraded to WP2.1 and got Akismet working. It’s magic. And ridiculously accurate.

  2. squid says:

    I have taken to putting a penny into a glass vase i have here for every piece of spam that akimset picks up on limerick blogger, so far I have over 27 quid collected over two months.