Blogging the Election: EUR250 sponsorship slots now available

Sponsorship slots of EUR250 have now opened up for Blogging the Election. We’re still in the red for the conference and some unplanned costs are the reason but are part and parcel of events. The ERU500 slots are too rich for some companies so we’ve created new EUR250 slots.

What do you get for this?

Your company name will be mentioned at the start and end of the event in the thank yous. Your logo will be on the screens behind the podium during the intervals between speakers and your company name and logo will be mentioned on the website.

A EUR500 slot will get you the above plus you’ll be the sponsor of a section and this will be pointed out before the section starts. Of course we also have the EUR2000 venue sponsorship slot still available.

Thank you to Sensorpro, Digiweb and Technofutures who have sponsored the event so far. It’s very much appreciated!

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