“Blogging the Election” – Sponsor Details and Registration details

Planning for the “Blogging the Election” conference is going well. We have two confirmed sponsors so far. They being Technofutures.ie and Digiweb. Digiweb are the catering sponsor. We still need a fair few sponsors to cover all the costs. If you know of any that might be interested then let them know.

We now need people to register that they are going to go. You can register here. We have room for about 150 people and I have a feeling that spaces are going to fill fast.

The Sunday Business Post had a piece on the conference today too.

3 Responses to ““Blogging the Election” – Sponsor Details and Registration details”

  1. […] As Damien has mentioned, we have found a sponsor for the catering at the forthcoming conference. Digiweb are giving E500 to cover the costs of the hungry bloggers. […]

  2. […] We will be announcing more information on a session on politicians who blog shortly which we believe will interest candidates of all parties who are interested in engaging with the electorate through blogs. Sponsors are coming on board and a few more are needed to cover the costs of this event. […]

  3. Not than anyone cares [:-(] , but the ‘1169…’ team will be absent due to a 40th birthday party (not mine!) on Saturday 7th October and a big(-ish!) RSF function on Sunday 8th October , final preparation for which will take-up much of Saturday (7th) .

    But , as vain as we are (!) – we should be able to have a representative present at the next ‘Blog Awards’ . And there WILL be trouble if we do not win a gong this time…..

    Sharon .