Moo Flickr Cards – Wow

Via Tom Coates comes details about Moo Flickr Cards. Choose your favourite Flickr pics. Make 100 different cards for $19.99. Add your personal details on the back. Now I wish I had a Flickr account. I wonder would Treasa and Ryan be interested in making business cards for me?

5 Responses to “Moo Flickr Cards – Wow”

  1. Twenty Major says:

    Feel free to use any of my outdoor pics.

  2. Walter says:

    Those moo cards are for the US only. They don’t ship to europe.

  3. Walter says:

    Sorry. They do ship to Europe. woohoo!

  4. ryan says:

    happy days! I’ll have to look at that site in a bit more detail later on.

  5. […] While browsing around earlier I came across this post on Damiens blog. It appears U.S. printing company Moo are now printing small calling cards from photos on your flickr stream. A wonderful idea I thought, as I tried to get on to order some. The website seems to be getting alot of publicity right now which hopefully is the cause of it’s unusable speed. After three attempts to use the site earlier I’ve now given up for a few weeks. It’s painfully slow to load, slow to pull in photos from flickr, doesn’t seem to want to recognise flickr sets and the one time I actually managed to pick out ten images and proceed to cropping, the second stage of the order, it stalled. So, I’ve given up for now. […]