New blogs on the block – August 28th 2006

New blogs on the block or at least new to me.

First up is Gillian Morrison’s blog. Gillian is a film producer living in Cork. It’s a nice blog and it even talks about the movie industry here in Cork. Yes, it exists.

Then we have Mise’s blog. Mise lives between Cork and the United Arab Emirates. Go read the blog for more details.

John McWilliam’s photo blog. You may have seen it before but have another gander. Photo bloggers in Ireland are gifted.

Lastly today is Davy McDonald’s blog. Davy is a graphic designer based up North. Check out his blog for rants and odes to the world of graphic design and look up his past work. Brilliant posters. Davy can design the poster for the next blog awards in February. 🙂 Maybe I should ask first?

3 Responses to “New blogs on the block – August 28th 2006”

  1. Thanks for the shout out on your blog Damien.
    I’ve put a link on my blogroll for yours now.


  2. Hey Damien, I’d be happy to do the posters for the next Irish Blog Awards.

    If anyone out there knows how to gett the ball rolling with this well…
    I’m game
    – mind you the last time I said that someone pointed a twelve-bore at me, happens a lot ’round here 😉

  3. Cheers Damo, for the link good to see the community getting together and joining forces to take over google lol.

    Looking forward to the next awards!