.eu domain registering debacle

Seems I was able to register ucc.eu, bbc.eu, rte.eu via goDaddy if I wanted to. I know these were previously taken. I rang the people in charge of the .eu domain – Eurid who tell me all of these were taken in the sunrise registration period. Just chatted with Gavin who was able to register sex.eu even though there were 220 aplications during sunrise alone. There is going to be a lot of pissed off people today. Their whois lookup is also down. GoDaddy has stopped selling .eu domains on their site now. On hold with GoDaddy right now. Will update this post with more news as it happens.

So right now you don’t know if you have a .eu domain despite getting billed.

9 Responses to “.eu domain registering debacle”

  1. Tim Worstall says:

    Ah, that would explain my comment on the earlier post then

  2. Tim Worstall says:

    .EU Domains on General Sale

    I note from EU Observer (via An Englishman’s Castle) that we hoi polloi, the general citizens of this nirvana that is the Glorious European Union, are able from today to buy domains ending in .eu.Wondrous eh? Only four months after

  3. […] Full story. Looks like it’s a bit up in the air at the moment, check out Damien Mulley’s blog post on it for more. […]

  4. maca says:

    I tried registering sacre-bl.eu but it’s since disappeared off my domain list on GoDaddy so I musn’t have gotten it. They still took my money though, fuckers.

  5. Dave says:

    I registered phones.eu using euinternet.com, I wanted rugby.eu & voip.eu but it listed those as taken.

  6. Ann says:

    Darn it. Sex.eu was going to be my retirement ticket!

  7. Francis says:

    Proud possessor of idletossers.eu via Amen.fr who offer a very cheap service

  8. Damien Blake says:

    I got mine anyway, it’s forwarding to my .com but I’m glad to get it sorted. I was also able to pick up a domain yesterday through godaddy that we had put in a previous application with domaininfo.com for.

    I would have to assume there’s going to be some huge litigation out of all of this!

  9. Jim says:

    You might want to look at this:

    Looks like Go Daddy weren’t to blame.