Can anyone out there turn this Garda Road Death stats page into a feed and possibly one we can also put on our blogs? Perhaps if not too morbid a simple bit of javascript that displays a bit of text in a blog sidebar stating “23 road deaths since January 1st 2006” which then links to the Garda website. Can any of the tech gurus out there do this?
Feed43 is built for just this kind of thing – ad-hoc feed scraping. I created a road deaths feed.
I was about to mention that site. Justin Mason mentioned it a few days ago, but looks like John beat me to the punch. I’m going to add that feed to my sidebar in an RSS widget!
John – is that feed ok? It no workee for me. The browser just keeps loading.
It appears that ehe Garda themselves update this page manually. I could be wrong too.The source is littered with bits like:
Donncha: yep, tested on Windows, Linux and OS X. All worked fine.
That’s kinda vile Damien!
Ya bollock! I have spent about 2 hours parsing that f*&king site BY HAND!
Gah! You and your challenges!
Have a look at this:
That should have been in bollocks.
Yikes, beaten to the punch I did a feed43 feed as well before checking the comments.
[…] Many people (including myself) answered Damien Mulley’s call for help with converting the garda road deaths statistics page to a news feed. A free tool, feed43 seemed to be most people’s weapon of choice. […]
Speed kills kids. You know it mocks sense.
[…] Ken lets us know about I wonder if they could use some of the feeds that Damien Mulley rounded up? I couldn’t see any reference to a feed like that on the site. […]
Cool..thanks! Have you looked at It works well too, and its very slick (love its simplicity) … check it out.
I tried to create the feed to the garda site but no luck 🙁 I tried both feed43 and feedburner. It is a good idea and I wanted to join. In Poland over this Easter weekend 24 people died in 178 crashes 239 people injured.
In Ireland we still remember the four young Poles who died in a crash on Good Friday last year.