Closings tabs – quick links

Via Engadget is the networked emoticon device. Pretty cute.

OpenBSD BitTorrent encrypted server

the data you copy to the server gets encrypted and the data you read from it gets decrypted, all on-the-fly…

How to make a homemade cheap TiVo with a spare computer. Nice howto that’s been seen on many a website but if you were to purchase all the software in this tutorial it’d cost a fair old whack. There are loads of open source alternatives out there these days. Such as here.

keeping to the TV theme: The BBC allows viewers to upload and share their videos. How cool is that ?

BBCi has launched a programming service for digital satellite viewers that showcases short films made by regular people across the UK. The service, dubbed Your Stories and accessed 24/7 by pressing the red button.

BlogPulse – Search the blogs. Woeks a bit faster than technnorati. Handy for vanity searches or to check what the latest buzz is. Look at the stats:
Total identified blogs: 10,603,693

New blogs in last 24 hours: 39,909

Blog posts indexed in last 24 hours: 359,639

New tagging blog. Contributors are: Christian Crumlish, Clay Shirky, David Weinberger, Don Turnbull, Gene Smith, Jon Lebkowsky, Kaliya Hamlin, Mary Hodder, Peter Merholz, Timo Hannay.

Mosh Girl. Just look and laugh.

Thinker – A Cognitive Psychology Resource.

What I Would Be Thinking About If I Were Billy Joel Driving Toward a Holiday Party Where I Knew There Was Going to Be a Piano. Hilarious.

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